“Confounding the Wise & Mighty” Deaf Camp In Pictures…

All Campers Front & Center!

Scavenger Hunt(ers)...

Not just cooked food, but cooked with JOY!

Richard Knows Prayer...

The royal game... the Royal Way.

The Banana Leafed table and Romy's incredibly carved pineapples made the picnic very special...

Working on the skit...

Each team had a hat color. They got to decorate it with fabric paint...

The campfires were smaller this year than last, but worked far better... and we got to make TWO!

Fellowship is always a joy to receive...

Opening night service... God setting the tone for the weekend...

Each team performed a skit having to do with the camp theme...

Deaf Camp II – Thank you Lord – Where’s the pillow!?

12 April 2011

“Confounding the Wise & Mighty” themed Deaf Camp II is now in the history books.

The food prepared by Carmen and Romy was fantastic… the organization by Mindy was superb… the support provided by Rohda and Joseph as well as Reah and Mildred was amazing. Everyone working together to minister in Christ to the Deaf was something to see.

We’ll post pictures and provide a recap of the stories that happened at camp. BOY ARE WE TIRED! Pardon us while we rest a bit and continue getting packed up to leave in two weeks. We plan to have pictures uploaded and some words about camp by Wednesday.